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The eastern part of Overijssel is home to the Tukkers: the no-nonsense, down-to-earth, hospitable, and always humorous inhabitants of the Twente region. Tukkers are proud of their region, and with good reason. It’s a stunning part of our country where the trees, purple heathlands, and old farms make you feel like you live on a grand country estate. Spending some time in Twente will truly put your mind at ease. However, this doesn’t mean that the region is all about nature and tranquillity. Twente hosts many international companies, such as AkzoNobel, Demcon and Thales And Enschede, the capital city, is one of our countries’ most extensive knowledge and innovation centres thanks to the renowned University of Twente based on the city’s edge.
Kennispark twente

The textile city: a centre of tech knowledge

With almost 160.000 inhabitants, Enschede is the most populous city in the eastern Netherlands. It used to be the most important city for the thriving Dutch textile industry in the 19th century, hence its nickname ‘textile city.’ You can find traces of this history everywhere: from old textile factories that have been repurposed or the prevalence of music and cultural organisations in the cities’ culture, as the textile tycoons used to stimulate workers to form theatre and music clubs. You should prepare yourself for many exciting street events, concerts, and art festivals - especially during summertime. 

Also, get ready to learn some German during your time here. Enschede is very popular with our eastern neighbours. As the city is close to the border, it’s the perfect destination for a day trip. The University of Twente is the most prominent school in the region. Lying amid a lush green area on the western outskirts of Enschede, it hosts almost 30.000 students on its vast yet highly centralised campus. It’s a fascinating environment to work, study and live in. The University of Twente is a highly advanced hub for technological research, with its state-of-the-art tech labs, world-class Solar Team, and thousands of highly talented international students.


Haven Twente

Kennispark Twente

Enschede and the University of Twente is the centre of Kennispark Twente,  the biggest innovation campus in the Netherlands. Kennispark Twente is an ecosystem comprised of the region’s research institutions, start-ups, and local entrepreneurs. It’s a community where ‘science becomes business.’ It offers the perfect breeding ground for creative entrepreneurship, and it shows: over 380 companies have settled in the Kennispark. The University of Twente is essential in the Kennispark; it’s the most entrepreneurial university in The Netherlands! Every year, about 50 to 60 new start-ups and over 700 spin-offs of the university are realised. The fields of nanotechnology and biomedical technology are exceptionally well represented in these initiatives. 

It’s no exaggeration to say that Twente offers it all. A green place to live, the fun and culture of Enschede, and a knowledgeable, innovative, and entrepreneurial tech ecosystem. No wonder why so many talented students and expats love it here. 


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