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There are many different pathways towards living in the Netherlands. Learn about the various residence permits, application procedures and official matters to organise when you arrive. 

Already in NL
© Tweede Kamer der Staten-Generaal

Already in NL

If you’re already living in the Netherlands, you probably have a valid residency permit. But as you spend more time here, your lifestyle and work may change. Learn more about transitioning from study to work, organising residency for an international partner, or how personal changes, such as a new job, can impact your permit. 

Applying from abroad

For many, moving here is a cinch – especially if you’re a citizen of the EEA or Switzerland, as then you can get started with almost no paperwork. For the rest, the maze of residency permits, work permits and visas can seem a little daunting, but there’s lots of help at hand. Learn more about making the move here for work, study, to start a business or even for love. 

Applying from abroad
© Rijksoverheid

Recently graduated

Are you nearing the end of your studies in the Netherlands? Or perhaps you graduated from a Dutch institution or from a top 200 university abroad in the past three years? Good news! The ‘orientation year’ permit is a stepping stone to help you find your feet in the Netherlands. Learn more about starting a career here after graduation. 

Bringing a partner or family member

The Netherlands is well-equipped to help internationals move here accompanied by their partners or families. Get to know your rights, requirements and what it means for your partner’s career. Don’t worry, there’s lots of help at hand, as well as spouse support programmes to help settle into life here. 

Dual career
NBTC / Hollandse Hoogte / ANP © Robin Utrecht