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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the way we live and work. It’s obvious that the future of our prosperity and well-being depends on AI, and the Dutch know it. With our advanced tech hubs and our innovative, collaborative culture, we have an excellent climate to embrace the gains that AI will bring to the table. This ever-developing digital ecosystem provides an infrastructure for the development and distribution of AI applications in all our sectors.
RoboCup at Eindhoven University

Collaboration is key

A defining aspect of our culture is that we love to pool knowledge and resources together in order to achieve shared goals. This cultural trait is clearly visible in the way we approach AI. Our digital ecosystem is a close-knit network consisting of several major AI hubs, shaped by both public and private efforts. AI Hub Brainport, for example, seeks to advance and connect the role of AI between governments, businesses, public organizations, and research institutions in Noord-Brabant.


Major AI hub

Another major AI hub is Amsterdam. With its top universities, innovative tech sector, international outlook, and thriving startup culture, this city has all the ingredients to be an important player in the new world of AI. The public and private players of our capital see the possibilities of AI for the city and continue to invest in AI  initiatives. The best example of this is the AI Technology for the People program. This is designed to encourage collaboration between leading institutions and businesses to achieve a common goal: to deploy responsible tech in the field of AI that serves people working in health, stimulate business innovations, and stimulate citizen support.

Most of the initiatives within the digital ecosystem of AI fall under the umbrella of The Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC). This public-private partnership has been set up to connect and accelerate AI developments and initiatives all over the country.


Human Capital

Your (human) intelligence and skills are, of course, still highly valued in this digital ecosystem. In fact, human capital is one of the main focus points. At Brainport, higher education institutions are working together in close cooperation with local businesses to develop programs in AI and data technology studies. This ensures a smooth transition to the job market for Dutch and international talent alike. A striking example of this is the Jheronimus Academy of Data Science . This is a collaborative project between Eindhoven University of Technology and Tilburg University. Entrepreneurs can come with date-related questions to their MKB Datalab, where a student will help them find concrete answers. This is also a place where entrepreneurs can get educated in data for themselves or their employees.


Scouting crops with OKO


Amsterdam is another place to be for young and ambitious talent in AI. The cities’ universities offer students highly competitive Master’s programs in AI, and the joint project with the Amsterdam School of Data Science offers young talent more than 250 data-science driven programs. Initiatives such as BIT connect the expertise and ambition of this new generation of AI pioneers with major businesses such as ING or Heineken, where students learn to apply their knowledge in the real world from early on. Anyone willing to work with AI will find right at home in The Netherlands.